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Tough Economy puts Stress on Transmission Supply Company’s to Lower Prices..

Used Transmissions For Sale

Used Transmissions For Sale

Going through the process of toughing out a weak economy stresses out everyone. It stresses our customers and causes pain and aggravation in the process of coming up with some extra money for some sort of cheap, or, more appropriately, affordable used transmissions, if your engine fails.

What I’m getting at today is that the stress is then passed on to the transmission supply companies. Transmissions of any sort, manual or automatic, from used to rebuilt to remanufactured tranny’s. Many companies offer a less reliable product so they can lower prices and still make a profit. We don’t support those sort of business practices. We will continue to provide the finest transmissions to our customers even if we make a smaller profit.

Why? We want to stay in business and continue dominating the field of transmission replacement. Every business that wants to stay in business and still provide a quality product has to make certain adjustments during a recession or a depression, economically speaking.

The only was to get out of a recession is for everyone to cooperate in the process. Understanding this is not realistic based on some LARGE greedy companies with little or no morals or conscience who continue to take advantage of the customer for money that is in their best interests. We are participating in our way.

Simply put, we are only interested in continuing to sell the best transmissions in the US and other countries that need our services. After considering the situation and discussing it with our board members, we decided that lowering our prices to meet the economical recession was the best answer. All employees were in on the idea that making less money is part of the sacrifice we are making in order to help our priceless customers and hopefully help the economy recover.

The bottom line is that our products will remain the same. Quality and great customer service will still be the backbone of our operation, which is how we earned our reputation for outperforming the competition. Call for free quote. Speak with a sales specialist who has plenty of time to educate you so you make the best decision for your particular interests. Call us for your all transmissions and replacement needs @ 866-320-1182.