Used Transmissions for Sale @ GotTransmissions.com
Sooner or later everyone comes to realize that unforeseen obstacles get in the way of the best planned budgets. Some folks take extreme efforts to figure out their budgets so they can live within their means. Even the best of plans, where you figure in a certain amount of extra money for unexpected expenses can be blown out of the water with one expensive incident. Such as a transmissions failure.
Our used transmissions for sale are surprisingly well priced and provide an equitable solution for the cost conscious consumer. Even we are surprised at how many of our customers are choosing this very viable option to get their cars back on the road. Ninety nine percent of car owners would not even know the difference between a refurbished transmission and a low mileage used transmission by driving the car.
The secret is locating used gearboxes that are removed from cars with less than 40,000 miles. Not as easy to find as it sounds. One of our specialties is doing the research to find the cream of the crop. At 40,000 miles, a well maintained used unit is one of the best values in the automotive replacement parts field.
One of the things I really like about a low mileage used transmissions is that we use the VIN, an acronym for vehicle identification number to identify the transmission in your car. By using the VIN, we can locate a car or truck with the exact same transmission identification as yours, thus providing the perfect match.
This is more important for newer computerized cars. The computer commands the transmission to shift, how hard the shifts should be and when the shifts should occur. Even if two transmissions look exactly the same on the outside, one may be produced for a luxury car such as a Chrysler Imperial and the other may be for a pickup truck.
Certainly you would not want the harsh shifts of a pickup truck in your luxury car, and how long would a luxury car transmission last in a pickup truck used for work purposes? I think you understand the importance of dealing with an outlet that knows the transmission field in full.
Before you make any decisions concerning your purchase of a replacement transmission, take the time to call us @ 866-320-1182 and speak with one of our staff members about the merits of buying a used transmission with value built into it. We guarantee it. All of our units are pre tested and certified, the ones that don’t pass the test go back the recycle yard. Call us, GotTransmissions.com.