Clean it up-Buy Transmissions Cheap
I passed by McDonald’s the other day, the line for the drive through was about 20 cars long. Well I was going to Subway to get a $5.00 foot-long. What struck me was here, all these folks are sitting in line for 15 to 20 minutes waiting for fast food. That is a conflicting issue. I know a lot of people waiting in line will argue they get ”work” done while waiting. One thing I did think of was all of those poor cars sitting in line with their cars idling with the transmissions in gear.
Seriously though, as I was leaving Subway, and the McD’s line way growing longer I had to laugh. These folks are sitting in line waiting for real ”fast food” that takes 20 minutes to get. Now other than that is not the type of food being recommended for a healthy diet, waiting in line with your auto engine running adds lots of extra heat, which adds plenty of heat to your transmission, since we calculate engine and transmission wear in cars by mileage.
Transmissions in commercial vehicles that sit and run a lot without moving calculate transmissions and motor wear by hours of operation. By sitting and idling a lot, plenty of wear is put on an car transmission that is not going to show up on the odometer. So that fast food is costing your car too! sitting and idling, or, turning on and off the engine every time the line moves is a bad diet for your cars trans.
If you are a purveyor of fast food and sit in line a lot, have your transmissions fluid changed more often. Cop cars get more maintenance because they calculate wear in mileage and hours too. Believe me, we used to work on all the local sheriffs departments cop cars and all of the other department vehicles for over 16 years before I sold my repair shop 4 years ago.
The other thing about sitting in traffic or in the bank line or the fast food line is that you are wasting your fuel and creating a larger carbon footprint by doing so. Help keep the air cleaner and lower your personal carbon footprint by not waiting in so any lines.
If you have spent to much time waiting in line, or in traffic every day going to and coming home from work and you need a replacement engine for your car, call the healthiest automotive engine supplier in the country, GotTransmissions.com at 866-320-1182 and speak with one of our representatives about one of our healthy used engines now.