Here is a look at two different types of bands. Both perform the same types of duties and work in a similar manner. We discussed what bands are and how they work in a previous article we did on bands and their part in making transmissions shift. I wanted to show you what the two different brake bands like, they are actually braking, or stopping a rotating drum when they are squeezed tight around the drum by the servo. FYI: Not all automatic transmissions use bands anymore.
Rigid Band:

Rigid or Hard Band T-35
Flex Band:

T-35 Flex Band
Both band types are used to achieveĀ a gear, usually reverse as in a T-35 Borg Warner transmission is activated by a Rigid band, and flexible bands often produce 2nd gear in most cases. The biggest point is that there is no real advantage in either bands. Even though the linings look thin, about 1/64″, trust me, they go the entire distance in a well maintained transmission. There are many cases where a Rigid or Hard band is used for second gear or any other gear than reverse, too. There is no rule etched in granite.
What is abundantly clear is that anytime a transmission goes through the rebuilding process, the bands should be trashed or relined, especially in specialty cases where new bands are not available. Although a band may look like it is in good condition, time causes deterioration of the band lining, remember it is a ‘soft part‘, which would cause a pre-mature re failure of your rebuilt transmission if it flaked apart. Do business with a company you can trust. only sells transmissions with new hi-quality bands. Trust me, I did the homework..Call 866-320-1182