Transfer Cases for Sale
“Where Our Customers Send Their Friends”
Very few people who own a four wheel drive vehicle use the four wheel drive very often. In fact, I would venture to say most four wheel drive owners don’t need to use the transfer case ( four wheel drive) more than once or twice a year, if that much. Case in point, me. I own a 1988 1 ton four wheel drive pickup truck, which I bought new. I have no real use for using 4X4 (four wheel drive) ever. I do it specifically because I don’t want to be looking for transfer cases for sale.
What is my secret for long life? It is easy, every 3 or 4 months I put my truck in four wheel high range. This can be done while moving on 99% of the four wheel or all wheel drive vehicles on the road, and give the entire setup a chance to engage and sling the lubrication throughout the transfer case and front differential assembly.
The purpose of this procedure can be applied to any vehicle that does not get driven at least every month. As in a motorhome. The basic paradigm is that when certain components in a vehicle, like the transfer case in a 4X4 or the drive-train in a motorhome don’t get used everyday, they can become covered in rust since the lubrication is not bathing all of the components constantly. The solution is easy, on a motorhome, drive it back and forth about 20 feet every few months to get the juices flowing and covering components that don’t get juiced or lubricated when the vehicle is not being used. As I said earlier, put your four wheel drive vehicle in hi range and low range every 3 to 4 months to get the juices flowing in the transfer case.
I recommend using synthetic lubricants since they have better cling life and overall lubricating abilities. If your vehicle was built in the last 15 years, chances it already came with synthetic lubrication from the factory. Either way, use synthetic lubricants.
Take the time needed to read our blog, it is full of other useful transmission and transfer case information to help your car last longer. Feel free to poke around, and ask me in the comment column if you have a question. Call GotTransmissions.com @ 866-320-1182 for transfer cases for sale and any other car information you may be interested in.