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Rebuilt Transfer Cases For Sale

Rebuilt Transfer Cases For Sale

Rebuilt Transfer Cases For Sale

Most people think that only four wheel drive (4×4) vehicles have transfer cases. That is a very reasonable idea for folks who are not automotive enthusiasts. The reality of the situation is that vehicles tagged as All Wheel Drive (AWD) use a transfer case too. We don’t use special ”talk” to confuse you, simply put, most people are searching for rebuilt transfer cases for sale.

We get plenty of inquiries from customers who don’t know exactly what they need. The basis of a transfer case is to transfer power to all four wheels from one power output, the transmission. AWD vehicles use very sophisticated setups which allow the vehicle to put the power to the proper wheels all the time.

Their are some differences between 4×4 transfer cases and AWD transfer cases or power dividers, power splitters and various other devises with fancy names. The major difference is that an AWD power divider has an actual differential inside it. What that does is direct the power to the wheels that need the traction.

Because all four wheels are engaged all the time in an AWD, it has to have a differential inside. Why? Well, when you make a turn, the inside wheels turn at a different rate of speed than the outside wheels, so without an internal differentiating device, the inner wheel would ”hop” as you rounded the corner.

A relatively sophisticated internal differential solves that. Some 4×4 vehicles have such a feature, but most of them, including my 1988 GMC 4×4 1 ton pickup do not. Reason being, we rarely drive around in four wheel drive all the time. And, if you are off road, you are probably in mud or sand, instead of concrete (a solid surface) where the earth gives, so no ”hop” occurs.

Transfer case have been electronically activated for many years now. Simply push a button and the proper action is taken. Although many trucks still have a lever on the floor which you push or pull to put the transfer case in the proper position.

Generally speaking, 4×4 truck or SUV owners know what a transfer case is due to the nature and intended use of the vehicle. AWD owners rarely have any idea, or interest in how all four wheels get power. Confused or not, we have plenty of time to help you understand more about the subject, and the capability to supply you with an uncompromisingly well rebuilt transfer case for sale. Call Now for more information.