Every time I sold a transmission job, it usually came after I showed my customer the transmission completely disassembled down to the nitty gritty witty. The first thing most people would say is, “wow, all of those parts fit in that case”?
Rebuilt Transmissions for Sale
Looking at the picture it’s easy to see why. The complexity and staggering amount of parts baffle and dazzle even the brightest of people. To me it was routine. It never even occurred to me that I was working on a piece of equipment that was more complicated than the human body, and sometimes just as hard to diagnose.
So I was surprised every time I heard that. I consider myself above average in intelligence, and have a gift for mechanical stuff. Nothing really scares me, in fact, my recent shoulder surgery seemed like a routine surgical or transmission procedure, not particularly complicated, requiring plenty of patience, skills, and precision. Even the tools are similar.
The first item we need to mention is how to combat the most dangerous enemy, which is to disassemble every piece of the transmission in question for a deep cleaning, surgically clean, if you will, of every part of the transmission. Dirt is the enemy. I can’t stress that enough. I don’t care how meticulous you are in every other phase of a transmission rebuild, if there is any contamination at all, most of the time your rebuilding work was in vain, a waste of time.
After rebuilding transmissions for over 30 years, (26 years in business) my experience is one of my secrets. Going to transmission school is a great idea if you want to learn transmission repair. But some practical experience is your best friend. Why do you think doctors serve an internship and residency? So you are not the first person the new Dr. practices a certain procedure on.
The transmission world is not as well organized, and of course we don’t have to deal with life and death, even though some of my customers almost had heart failure when I delivered the bill.
Why then am I so impressed with the rebuilt transmissions being sold by GotTransmissions.com? After inspecting their facility and speaking with the re-builders, it was very obvious every one of them was carefully chosen for their smarts, experience and skills, no internships going on here on the main rebuilding line, so you get a transmissions with experience and value built right into it.
Call us anytime @ 1877-268-0664. GotTransmissions.com is your only source for the finest and thorough transmissions in the world. You can stop your search now.