Used Hyundai Transmission @ GotTransmissions.com
Are you looking for a used Hyundai transmission? There is some good news then. I’m not sure that anyone considers the need for a replacement transmission good news, but inside the big cloud of disappointment is a silver lining. The silver lining is that there is a variety of used transmissions to choose from. And, I might add, used transmissions are an unsung value.
Locating the right used transmission is not as easy as it seems, and the hope of this post is to ease the decision making process. The first thing to mention is that there are a few (out of thousands) of companies who sell quality used transmissions with reassuring warranty plans. So don’t automatically jump to the conclusion that a used tranny means an old leaky greasy 150,000 mile unit ready to be found on the road dead right after the (short) warranty expires.
Why get involved in the never ending prospect of finding the right company when you may be where you want to be now. So hear me out. We don’t sell high mileage practically worn out used transmissions. Our locators deal with a small segment of recyclers who only deal with companies that they feel are worthy of their products.
Let me say this, it is lonely when you are on the top. We have been outperforming our competition for years, and all they need to do is read our blogs to figure out what we are doing right.
Most of the suppliers we use save the low mileage used transmissions for our company to sell, they prefer to do business with folks who have a solid reputation. It means less problems for them. With that in mind, if our track record proves to be reputable, then everyone is in a win, win situation.
Since Hyundai is a foreign car, it qualifies for the JDM used transmissions for sale. After reading about them, you should ask your sales representative when you call us. They fit foreign cars for the most part. By and large they never have more than 30 to 40 thousand miles on them and are extremely reasonably priced.
JDM or not, you won’t get anything other than a low mileage, pre-tested transmission from GotTransmissions.com, no matter where it came from. We get so many return calls thanking us for turning them on to our used transmission line, it makes us happy knowing we are satisfying our customers needs.
We have stood the test of time by operating in the manner we have chosen to use as our guideline, which I call business sustainability. By doing your customers right every time, no matter what it takes, the word gets out and people naturally gravitate to us. Give us a shot, call 866-320-1182 now. It only takes a few minutes.