Buy Transmissions with Confidence
The thought of having a transmission failure and possibly having to buy a replacement transmission is somewhat of a nightmare for most people. With the horror stories concerning certain transmission shop chains, how would those folks choose the right transmission supply company?
Lack of knowledge and information creates fear. Facing a large repair bill on your car makes finding a business you can trust to provide plenty of information regarding your situation one of the keys to your success. Once you have enough of an understanding of said subject, fear will dissipate and confidence will set in. Our first job is to have our customers relax and start to learn about transmissions and which transmission suits your particular situation.
Obviously selling a superior product is another ingredient in the recipe for a successful transmission transplant. Since all used transmissions are not the same, it is very important to buy transmissions which are second hand units with low mileage, and that is where we accelerate. We have access to the finest used transmissions recyclers in the world.
Our used transmissions generally have around 30 to 40 thousand miles on them. Barely broken in. Every one of them is pre tested for performance and leaks, eliminating possible problems before the transmissions are sold, rejecting them for sale.
Our transmissions have quality and pure value built right into the job. The best parts avilable are used in every rebuild. We also replace all of the electrical components on computerized transmissions. The most important thing that our rebuilders do to every rebuilt transmission is to put an upgrade kit in each transmission.
An update kit virtually eliminates any factory deficiencies in the transmission and allows the transmission to work better than it did when it was new. An update kit can double the life of many transmissions as well. Assuming you perform proper maintenance. That is how we build quality and value into our transmissions.
How can we have such a reputable business. The owner. The owner sets the tone. If the owner is a man of the highest quality like Brian Hanson, who is the owner of GotTransmissions.com, than the business is a top level company. We sell confidence. That is the bottom line.
If you are searching for a replacement transmission, call us at 866-320-1182 and speak with one of our representatives. It won’t take long before you feel the confidence we sell. That is GotTransmissions.com.