1999 Acura Integra GS Transmission
Explore 1999 Acura Integra GS transmission inventory from one of the largest U.S. retailers for used gearboxes online. Did you know Got Transmissions carries Honda replacement parts? You can find helpful information right on this detail page for the 1999 Integra transmissions. Don’t buy a preowned unit from an auction website until you read the information offered here first.
When buying a transmission from a Honda retailer, there are always differences in quality. Not every company supplies A1 or A2 level units. What this means is that the authenticity of each unit is either certified or not certified. There are JDM parts made in Japan and those created for the American market. The Integra vehicle series is one of the builds that can feature multiple versions of manufactured transmissions.
Specs for 1999 Acura Integra Grand Sport Transmissions
The Integra vehicles depend on a transverse mounted motor. This means that the engine is positioned differently to help modify the performance and air flow. Honda and Aisin worked together to produce the two solid gearboxes found in the 1999 and later GS vehicles. The four-speed automatic is the base gearbox while the five-speed manual is meant for mechanical performance.
There are six total gears in the transmissions found in the Integra GS. This gear count includes reverse. The four-speed automatic is controlled with a GLCS. This is Honda technology known as a Grade Logic Control System. This is standard on all GS and LS motor vehicles produced in the mid 1990s.
What to Know Before Buying Integra GS Transmissions
Not every transmission Honda sells includes an LSD. This can be found inside some Integra editions. The GS and GSR are two vehicles that have experimented with this technology. The limited slip differential provides a dual shaft combination. A person can easily identify a Honda transmission with an LSB buy examining a photograph. The letters LSD are always stamped on the top of the steel housing. This provides effortless validation.
Buy 1999 Acura Integra GS Transmission for Sale Online
There are two methods of sales processing that are offered by Got Transmissions. Each of these sales routes involves the generation of a current sticker price quote. Prices must be accurate to help a person out during the review process. The quotation form on this website makes it really simple to begin reviewing 1999 GS transmission costs for each unit.
Once a person reviews the gearbox, a buy link is provided with each quote. This can help complete a transaction through the e-commerce platform. There are always associates ready to deliver a price by phone if a person chooses to use this method. The nationwide number on this website is the sales, information and requests line in the USA.