A4LD Transmission For Sale
Ah, the A4LD, what’s not to love? In the first few years of Ford’s A4LD transmissions, every transmission shop loved them. Why, they broke down all the time. Some of the the original vehicles that used this transmission were the Ford Explorers, affectionately called the Ford ”Exploder” by transmission men.
In reality it was a good design that needed some structural parts improvements and some shift quality improvements. While this tranny has a bad rap, it turns out as one heck of a good working and reliable transmission once it has been rebuilt properly. Seemingly, it took a long time for Ford and the aftermarket to reinforce the integral weaknesses and improve shift quality, Ford made a bunch of these medium to light duty overdrive transmissions.
Except for the large sized auto lines and F-series of truck lines, this transmission saw duty in the mid sized SUV’s, mid and small pickups and mid to small sized cars. It is hard to imagine how many were out there. Ford discontinued them in the early ’90’s and with little internal modifications and using a new casing came out with an improved computerized version of the A4LD.
Realistically speaking, the most likely and reliable scenario to find a replacement A4LD transmission would be a rebuilt unit based on the age. Transmissions that are old are susceptible to the aging process of time, even if they are not used. Full of rubber seals to insure stability in the hydraulic systems, rubber wears and disintegrates with time, so even a low mileage used unit has time against it.
My suggestion would be a rebuilt transmission. We have A4LD transmission for sale that are rebuilt at very affordable prices. Understanding most A4LD units will be installed in older cars, we price them accordingly for the person who is very budget conscious.
This is one of those unusual circumstances where the age of a transmission plays a part in our pricing structure. We want our customers to be able to afford to get a vehicle that needs a rebuilt transmission back on the road. Allow us to surprise you, call us now and find out how fast and affordable you can get your car back on the road. GotTransmissions.com.